


Τitle: Health & Efficiency, Volume 10, No. 9, September 1940
Subtitle: The World's Leading Naturist Journal, Est. 1900
Publisher: The Athletic Publications, Ltd
Language: English
Country of Origin: The United Kingdom
Format: 213x277mm (trimmed)
Illustrations: 37 black and white plates, pictures and sketches
Pages: 32 (28+4) single colour printed on yellowish paper including covers (volume continuous pagination)
Frequency: Monthly
Βinding: Saddle-stapled
Weight: 87gr.
Single Copy: 7d.
Subscription Rates: Post paid to any part of the world, 12 months 9s. 6d.; 6 months 4s. 9d. (including all special double numbers issued during the period of subscription, but not including the HEALTH AND EFFICIENCY HOLIDAY ANNUAL, which is an extra).


(217) Paper Shortage: Special Notice to our Readers
(218) Sunshine Isn’t Rationed by Elizabeth Cross
(220) Naturism’s Part In Wartime by C. Alfred
(222) Across Europe With A Rug-Sac by ‘Scotsman’
(224) Sun Bathe In Your Own Home by The Editor
(227) The Naturist’s Notebook by Wallace Arter
(228) Ideal Naturist Holidays by “Solomon”
(230) Was Naturism Helped You Too?
(232) The Importance Of A Healrhy Skin by T.W. Standwell
(234) Health Hints For The Month
(236) Our Free Health Advice Service
(238) Health Problems Solved
(239) Your Health This Month September Effort Gives November Health by Frank Miles
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